~William Law (1686-1761)
"For he that believes that everything happens to him for the best, cannot possibly complain for the want [meaning "lack"] of something that is better....For as thankfulness is an express acknowledgment of the goodness of God towards you, so repinings and complaints are as plain accusations of God's want of goodness towards you."
Sometimes people ask since God is sovereign and already knows everything that's gonna happen then why bother praying about anything? This seems quite backwards. If God were not sovereign then why would we bother praying about anything. Why bother asking if he doesn't have the power to do anything about it? God's sovereignty is the very reason why we pray, because He can do something about it.
Never have I seen a team so thoroughly snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. They put up 34 points on a team that previously hadn't allowed more than 23. They forced Indy to punt more than they had all season. They gave up two endzone turnovers and still held a 17 point forth quarter lead. Then they sent their cheerleaders onto the field for the final 15 minutes to give the best roll-over-and-play-dead impersonation I've ever seen. Commentators and reporters are billing it as a phenomenal Colts comeback and singing Manning's praises. But that ridiculous! That's perhaps the worst quarter of football the Patriots have played all season. And the coaching!? Handing the ball to Peyton Manning on your own thirty with a 6 point lead?! Are you flippin out of your mind?!?! I haven't seen a decision that bad since the Bills kick returner ran it out of the endzone in Week 1! Now any hope of home field advantage in the playoffs and probably a first round bye is long gone. But worse then all that is now the Colts have a free ride to break our record 21-game winning streak and match our unprecedented 16-0 regular season record from 2007. We had our chance to do something about it but we handed it to them on a silver platter. Had we won we would've pulled into a tie with them for most games won this decade (109), a statistic that certainly would seal our legend as the team of the decade. But now all that goes out the window along with Belichick's heralded 4th quarter decision making.
Ok, now that I've gotten that rant off my chest, there is some good we can salvage from this miserable turn of events. First of all, for three quarters we absolutely handed it to arguably one of the best teams in the league right now. For three quarters the Patriots looked really good. The defense held up fairly well against a prolific passing attack and totally shut down the run game. For the most part our offense marched up and down the field boasting huge plays in the secondary. Even our kicking and coverage teams were having a great game. So it's definitely time to say the Patriots can compete with elite teams. Secondly, a little wake up call like this during the regular season has historically been a good thing for the Pats. It means a team who's usually known for playing a full 60-minutes won't make this same mistake again, which is extremely important come playoff time. You can't let good teams hang around, even by 17 points, and hopefully now we won't have to learn that lesson again. And last of all, it was only a regular season game (albeit to the rival Colts!) and we still hold a two game lead over Miami in our division. A win here definitely would've made things a little easier for us, but for now it's all about making the playoffs--that's when it really counts--and it looks like we're still on track for that. As for me, I'm gonna go bury my sorrows in writing a theology paper or something.
Some people claim that the fact that there's evil in the world proves that God doesn't exist. However, it seems to me to be quite the opposite. The fact that there's any good in the world at all proves that He does exist! If there were no God then would you not expect the world to be evil, indeed even more evil then we see now? If it's merely survival of the fittest, the ends justify the means, every man for himself, then why aren't we all completely hedonistic to the fullest extent! The fact that this world isn't completely over taken to the utter extent by sin is only by the grace of God. If there is even one spec of goodness in the world it is contrary to our sinful nature and therefore only a gift of grace from God. Sorry atheists, what else you got?
"As big as you are, the greatest gift God's given you is a wife who can't cook."
~Dr. Kelly during marital counseling to a 300 pound husband who would always go to his mom's house for meals.
Christmas displays in October I suppose I can understand. The industry's trying to stretch the season as much as they can to squeeze out every last dollar they can. I even get Christmas music in November. Granted it's a bit early but you only get these songs for such a limited time every year. But Christmas trees . . . on November 9th?!? No, that's just unacceptable. They'll be dead before Thanksgiving! You gotta be kidding me.
"The more I looked at what Jesus had done on the cross the more He met my case exactly. I needed someone or something to stand between a righteous God and my sinful self: a God who must punish sins and blasphemies, and myself, who had wallowed in both to the neck. I needed an Almighty Saviour who should step in and take my sins away, and I found such a one in the New Testament."
~John Newton, author of the famous hymn Amazing Grace
If you haven't seen this blog yet, check it out. It has some great satire on the state of the Christian church in America. If you've grown up in church and don't at least smirk, then he's probably writing about you.
Do you suppose the law of increase ("To everyone who has, more will be given, but from the one who has not, even what he thinks he has will be taken away.") contradicts the law of reversal ("the last will be first, and the first last.")? Why or why not?
Somebody from the Worldwide Zoo Database saw some of my Namibia photos and wanted to add them to their site. The website is still a work in progress but it hopes to list all major zoological sites across the globe. Again, it's no major accomplishment, but just a little fun exposure. You can see them here:
The Living Desert Snake Park in Swakopmund, and
"I have enough trouble with this keyboard right here. And I'm gonna use a blackberry?!"
~Grandpa, who just turned 81 two days ago
~Grandpa, who just turned 81 two days ago