I would like to say a special thanks to all who have been faithfully praying for me to find a job since I came to North Carolina. This coming Monday I will start as a Program Aide for the after-school programs at the Boys & Girls Club! I'll stay on through the summer and work with their day camps. When I interviewed for the position a few weeks back they had me stay after to observe their program a bit. The whole thing was so amazing! It'll involve some tutoring, teaching a workshop here and there, and just hanging out. It's pretty much all black kids so it totally reminded me of hanging out at the Ark in Namibia. Not only that, but the four remaining classes I need to take in the fall are all scheduled for the morning or evening, so I can both work and still take classes next fall! God totally provided just the right job for me. He is faithful! Thanks again to all who've been praying.
I was out doing homework at the park the other day. A couple walked up to the lake shore with their dog, near to where two geese were minding their own business. The guy bent down and took the dog's leash off, to which the dog promptly bounded into the lake after these two geese. Despite desperately trying to call him back the couple spent the next few minutes watching helplessly as their dog swam away after these geese. When he finally determined he would never catch them, he turned back to his calling owners. I have just one question, What'd you think he was gonna do!?
I was utterly surprised and overjoyed this afternoon when I discovered one of my favorite songs was finally available for download! David Crowder's independently released album called "All I Can Say" has up until now been safely hidden in the CD collections of those dedicated fans who've been following him from the very beginning. But now it's available to the masses, much to my glee. There are a few original versions of songs that he has since released on other albums and a few precious gems you won't find anywhere else. I encourage you to check it out!
"You can read night time books in the day too."
~ some random kid to his dad at the library
~ some random kid to his dad at the library