Get Your Copy Today!

Posted by mike On July 29, 2009

My photography book Where Skies Burn is now available on and Amazon Marketplace. Lulu even offers a few-page preview. This is a collection of some of my favorite pics from my year living in Namibia. I did all the photography and design myself so it's almost like having me sitting on your coffee table! Donate to my starving artists fund by picking up your copy today. Show it off to all your friends, or better yet, buy one for all your friends. They'll love you for it! Thanks for your support. I know you'll enjoy it!

Where Skies Burn cover

Advice for shopaholics

Posted by mike on Friday, August 21, 2009 at 1:03 PM
In this time of financial ambiguity everyone's offering their top 10 ways to save money and whatnot, so I thought I'd chime in with my own helpful tips for those avid shoppers out there. Here's my top 5 practical suggestions on how to spend less money when you go shopping:
  1. Don't go shopping - Not so obvious for some.
  2. Make a list, and if it's not on the list, don't buy it - Determine ahead of time what you really need and stick to it. Don't let slick advertising or point-of-purchase marketing convince you into buying something you don't need. Carry your list in your hand as a reminder, if it goes in the cart, it better already be on the list.
  3. Don't bring extra money "just in case" - These days it's a tough suggestion to shop with cash, but it really will force you to think about how much you're spending. Determine how much you're willing to spend ahead of time, then only bring that much. That'll keep you from extra frivilous purchases that you don't really need.
  4. Get in and out; don't browse - For all those window shoppers out there, it's way too easy to convince yourself you need something when the sale tag is staring you in the face. Sales are made for suckers. Reality check: you don't need it, you just want it. Refer to #2.
  5. Seriously, reread #1 - Find a hobby that doesn't require you to go out and spend money. If you're lamenting that you don't have enough money to go shopping, it's probably because you've spent it all shopping. Then when you really do need something, you don't have money because you've spent it all on stuff you didn't need but couldn't resist.

1 Response to "Advice for shopaholics"

  1. Anonymous Said,

    Hi Mike,

    These are awesome!!! I love #1. When did this become an an important American pass time???

    Jim and I are soooooo cheap....I mean frugal. There are so many things to do that are free! Take a walk, look at the stars or clouds, feed the kids and I did this often when they were growing up, watch and listen to the birds, have a lovely conversation with a friend or loved one, visit your local library....

    Joyce Meyer once said that your money will grow if you wait on the Lord.....what that means is if you want something, pray about it, start saving for it, and then watch the Lord work! We needed to replace my car and we started praying and saving. We had $4,500 saved and a car became available where I worked....for $3,500! We saved a thousand bucks! And it was 2,500 less than the list at the time. I still drive the car and plan to for many years to come. This is just one example of how the Lord will honor praying and waiting on Him.

    We need so much less than our society says we do. If people don't believe me they should spend some time in Namabia and see how greatful people are who have almost nothing.

    Thanks Mike! You made me smile and laugh! Hopefully you will make some think about what is really valuable in this life!

    Paula & Jim :)


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