For those like me who are always on the look out for new music to spin, I thought I'd drop a few suggestions that I've been enjoying lately.
Matt Wertz is an acoustic pop artist who's been around the Christian music scene for a while but put together this compilation disc
Under Summer Sun to break into a more mainstream audience. He's got some catchy hooks and a smooth voice. Good tunes for a sunny afternoon drive with the windows down.

Tenth Avenue North is a welcome relief to those who are a little weary of the whole CCM (Contemporary Christian Music) thing. They have a good melodic rock flavor that brings hope to an industry known for its monotonous tunes and Christian cliches.
I've added a few songs to my playlist here, but you can listen to the both of these full albums for free at their myspace pages. Happy listening!
I love these guys!
You have to check out my blog too and get the Sojourn album with Isaac Watts songs re-done. So good.