Get Your Copy Today!

Posted by mike On July 29, 2009

My photography book Where Skies Burn is now available on and Amazon Marketplace. Lulu even offers a few-page preview. This is a collection of some of my favorite pics from my year living in Namibia. I did all the photography and design myself so it's almost like having me sitting on your coffee table! Donate to my starving artists fund by picking up your copy today. Show it off to all your friends, or better yet, buy one for all your friends. They'll love you for it! Thanks for your support. I know you'll enjoy it!

Where Skies Burn cover

Musings from the Road

Posted by mike on Monday, August 3, 2009 at 11:36 PM
It's late and I need my sleep before a long day of driving ahead of me tomorrow, but I was just thinking how cool heaven's going to be where all the cool people I'm friends with will finally all be in the same place. Granted that will be an infintesimally small perk compared to the infinite greatness of being in the presence of the awesome Trinity! But haven't you ever thought how much it sucks that your really cool friends are so spread out that you can't hang out with them nearly as much as you'd like? And how cool it would be if you could all be together in the same place? Not to mention all the really cool people that you'll never get to know because they live in different places! As I spend time with the cool people I know spread out across the country, I look forward to the day when I'll get to hang out with them all together in the same place with Jesus. Reason #1854962 that heaven won't be boring!

1 Response to "Musings from the Road"

  1. Jackie Said,

    Oh! Mi-ike! No need to send me the link! Found it yesterday! Safe travels, my friend, until we meet up again! NC is ONLY 1,000 miles away! : ) Lots of Love!


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